Florida Snow Ball

WHAT HAPPENED? How quickly the snow melts in Florida! It’s all over so fast!!!

But the good news is Snow Ball 2025 is already on our radar! As announced at this year’s event, the weather forecast for next year has us dancing again January 24th, 25th, and 26th in Gulfport, Florida to the music of two beloved contra dance bands – Elixir and Playing With Fyre. Our callers will be Nils Fredland and Beth Molaro.

Currently, the scheduled date for Snow Ball 2025 to open for registration is Saturday, 26 October. When the time does come, barring any acts of God (so-called by lawyers and insurance companies and known to happen occasionally during hurricane season in Florida) or insane acts of humankind (known to happen anywhere in the world), do expect us to fill up quickly again. Other than that, we’ll be looking forward to seeing you then.